Blind Spot Truck Accidents
All vehicles have blind spots, but for big trucks, blind spots are incredibly dangerous. Blind spots on semi-trucks and 18-wheelers can cause some of the most serious and fatal truck accidents. In order to avoid a truck’s blind spots, you should:
- Avoid driving along the side of the truck. Either drive further forward or father back to ensure that the driver is able to see you. If you are able to see the driver’s face in the mirror, the driver can see you as well
- Be aware that the blind spot on the left side of the truck is smaller, so it is safer to pass the truck on that side
- Be aware that on the right side of the truck, the driver’s blind spot can extend three lanes and runs the length of their truck
- If driving behind the truck, stay far enough behind the truck to ensure the truck driver knows you are there
Serious accidents can occur if the truck driver is not aware that another vehicle is in their way. Truck drivers should be aware of the blind spots they have when driving and should be extra cautious when they are changing lanes and should make their intention to switch lanes known well in advance. Unfortunately, there are instances in which this does not happen and serious accidents can result from a truck driver causing an accident by changing lanes without sufficiently giving other drivers advanced warning.
If you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries or death because of a blind spot accident, Amaro Law Firm’s Texas trucking accident attorneys are here to get you the compensation you deserve. We will be your fierce advocate and will make sure that the negligent party is held accountable for their actions.