“The entire team at Amaro Law Firm has been outstanding to work with. They are all extremely responsive, incredible communicators, and passionate about what they do. As far as attorneys go, they are on a whole new level.”
I had awesome experience out of a bad situation Dirk my lawyer and Madeline my case manager and the rest of the staff ensured my case had a favourable outcome. The team did not seize until i was happy. They made me feel like their only client and not just a number. It took awhile to get the outcome we both desire but in the end was victorious. Thanks again, I am a satisfied client.
Our clients were in a group together traveling on an interstate in Central Texas. They were struck from behind by a drunk driver. One client tragically lost their life. Four others were seriously injured. For almost one year it was unknown where the drunk driver had consumed alcohol on the evening of the event. After continued investigation and tenacious litigation, we were able to uncover where the driver had consumed excessive alcohol. We also obtained a witness statement that proved the bar was liable under the Texas Dram Shop Act for overserving the drunk driver that night. The bar’s insurance company tendered their policy limits immediately along with the insurance companies for all drivers involved.
The original offer on this case was $0 and the defense completely denied liability. Our client, a single father of two, worked for a small delivery company as a delivery helper. The sole customer of this small company was a national logistics company. The national logistics company exercised total control of the small mom and pop operation. Our client was in. The passenger seat of a box truck when his coworker driver fell asleep at the wheel on a Texas farm road. He woke as he began to veer into oncoming traffic at 55mph but over corrected the box truck, sending it careening into a deep ditch in which it struck a concrete driveway culvert. Witnesses said it sounded like a bomb went off when the truck struck the concrete. The front end of the box truck was crushed so badly that our client’s lower body was also crushed and pinned into the truck. The jaws of life were used by first responders to remove him over an hour later as he waited in pain. The national logistics company tried to hide behind the small mom and pop operation and claim they had the same worker’s compensation liability protections. After years of litigation and medical treatment, the case resolved for a sum that our client can get the medical help he needs and take care of himself and his family.
Our client was a ranch hand at a north Texas ranch and was involved a single accident UTV accident. He was thrown from the UTV while not wearing a helmet and was killed in the accident. The defense originally denied liability and the ranch did not have much insurance for accidents. In litigation, we were able to establish that the ranch owed a duty to train on safety and enforce safety rules on its employees which they failed to do here. The venue was a very small county of a few thousand people, many of which knew each other. The client’s family and ranch owners were close with multigenerational ties that were important to them.
The original offer was zero on this case and a complete denial of liability. This case arose from dangerous road conditions caused by extreme weather conditions. The contractors hired to make the roads safe failed to do so. As a result, a multi-vehicle pileup happened involving our client on the evening of the weather event. She never regained consciousness and her family was left with the burden of her medical care and needs. The case was resolved after key depositions happened where witnesses admitted their responsibility to make the road safe during these types of weather events and the defense experts’ on causation were proven to be completely manufactured. With the settlement, the family will be able to make sure their daughter gets the medical care needs met for the rest of her life.
Our client was tragically killed with a commercial vehicle pulled out in front of him as he was driving without warning. Our client was a pillar and leader in the community. His family wanted answers as to why the truck driver decided to pull out in front of our client. Initially, the truck driver blamed our client for his speed and inability to avoid the wreck. We were able to get to the scene quickly with our experts, inspect the vehicles involved, and obtain video of the incident. Our investigation also showed a company and driver with multiple violations of commercial motor vehicle standards. We were able to prove our client was without fault. The case settled for the full insurance policy limits shortly thereafter.
Our trial lawyers stepped in to help another law firm from Louisiana prepare and try a commercial litigation case based on breach of contract, fraudulent inducement to contract, tortious interference with contract, and fraudulent inducement to remain in the contract. The major trucking company UV Logistics, a major oil and gas trucking company, never offered a dime to resolve the claims of our client after terminating his contract without the required 30 days’ notice. The terminal operator agreement required a 30-day notice to terminate the contract which would have provided our client an opportunity to take his business elsewhere and set up logistic systems. The claim was based on an independent terminal operating agreement with UV Logistics in the Marcellus Shale region of Pennsylvania. Our client was used to recruit truck drivers to sign on with UV Logistics who had floundering company owned terminal in the region. Once the terminal was generating millions of dollars a year in revenue, our client was cut out of the deal so they could earn more profit by cutting his commissions from their margins. The truck drivers were recruited to change terminals to their company owned terminal and lies were spread about our client to tarnish his reputation in the business. At trial, the jury returned a verdict in favor of our client for $450,000.00 for past lost profits on a finding of fraudulent inducement to remain in a contract. Client will net this amount minus $180,000 attorneys’s fees & approximately $30,000 in care expenses.
Our truck wreck attorney team resolved a case for a client after a four-year fight with the insurance company lawyers. Our client was a backseat passenger in a vehicle that was in a truck wreck with an 18-wheeler that rolled through a stop sign from a side road. He was coming from an oil and gas patch and entering the highway that our client and his colleagues were traveling. Because he pulled out suddenly, there was no time to stop before the collision. Our client suffered PTSD and neck and back injuries as a result of the truck wreck. His income was impacted by the medical conditions so we hired an expert economist to substantiate the claims. In litigation, it was discovered the truck driver had a lengthy criminal history and history of driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The trucking company was a fly by night operation that would put anyone behind the wheel. The trucking company owner and truck driver refused to cooperate with their own lawyers hired by the insurance company causing years of delays in litigation. We pressed on and were able to resolve the claim for a significant and confidential sum.
In January of 2016, our client, a delivery driver for Pepsi, was unloading product for a cooler at a RaceTrac in Tarrant County, Texas when without warning, an employee of the gas station flung the heavy freezer door open while our client was bent over on the other side loading product in the freezer. He was struck in the head by the heavy freezer door by an employee of the gas station. The blow was sudden and violent which caused traumatic brain injury symptoms to our client. Our client sought medical treatment for his brain injuries. After suit was filed, the insurance company hired lawyers to defend the case. The case went to mediation after litigation ensued. An amicable settlement was reached in mediation.
Mr. Amaro and his team are hands down the best firm in Texas. I have used them for real estate matters and counsel for everything else in between, never waiting more than a matter of hours before I received a call back. I would trust no other firm to work harder for you.
In August of 2017, our client from Sugar Land, Texas was driving a tractor trailer near Las Cruces, New Mexico when another vehicle, a commercial pickup truck, veered into his lane from the opposite direction. Our client attempted to avoid the collision by moving onto the shoulder but the other truck just kept coming at him and ultimately hitting him. Our client’s tractor trailer went off the highway into the ditch and rolled over at a high rate of speed. Witnesses talked to the other driver and he stated he fell asleep. Our client suffered severe injuries as a result of the wreck. The insurance company lawyers requested a pre-lawsuit mediation. The parties were able to resolve the case in mediation for a confidential and substantial sum.
Our truck driver client from Dallas, Texas was on a team drive in Georgia in 2017. While asleep in the sleeper birth, his team driver came upon a tractor-trailer in front of him which jackknifed suddenly and flipped onto the highway, thereby blocking the lanes. The collision at high speeds was inevitable. After violently colliding with the flipped tractor trailer, our client was thrown from the sleeper birth into the seats and dashboard. Another tractor trailer behind them narrowly avoided the collision by going off-road. Our client suffered an ocular fracture, traumatic brain injury, and other neck and back injuries. Because of the injuries and medical conditions resulting from this wreck, he could not find a job as a truck driver. A lawsuit was filed in federal court in Georgia to recover his lost earning capacity as a truck driver and damages for his injuries. Our attorneys worked jointly with colleagues at another law firm in Atlanta to litigate the case. After nearly a year of litigation against the major U.S. carrier that jack-knifed, the case resolved for a substantial and confidential sum.
In May of 2016, our client was in a wreck with a Harris County Sheriff after he ran a red light and made a right-hand turn. He collided with our client’s vehicle as she crossed the intersection. The officer’s dashcam recorded the entire incident. As a result of her significant injuries, our client incurred over $90,000.00 in medical bills. Because the county is a government entity, any possible recovery in Texas is limited by law. True to form, the county’s lawyers attempted to negotiate off that cap on recovery to our client’s detriment. We continued to negotiate in good faith and were able to get the hospital and other medical bills negotiated down to reach a fair settlement considering the caps on recovery.
In January of 2015 in Victoria County, Texas on Highway 77, our clients were in a major wreck with an 18 wheeler. The 18 wheeler was driving in the fog that morning and the driver did not see our clients coming down the highway before pulling off a side road. As a result, our clients slammed on their brakes and struck the rear of the trailer. Our clients were a sweet retired couple traveling travelling to see family with their dog that early morning in a small passenger vehicle which was totaled. The passenger received bruising all over her body and both of them suffered TBI symptoms after the wreck. The truck driver, on the other hand, was driving when he likely was fatigued as he had been driving for pay over his federal law limitations that morning. The trucking company and their insurance lawyers tried to deny fault at first. Then, they tried to deny that our clients were hurt a bad as they claimed. In deposition, we discovered that the trucking company was paying their drivers for “personal conveyance” time in payroll records which was not shown in the driver logs. Also, the data did not match the electronic logs obtained from the electronic logging company, Teletrac, so there were three different stories about how much the truck driver had driven. What was clear though, the driver should not have pulled out into traffic and cause people to slam on their brakes. After a few months of litigation, our 18 wheeler wreck lawyers were able to recover a substantial sum to fairly compensate our clients for their injuries. We also heard the trucking company changed their policies to make sure the drivers logged all of their time they were paid to drive, including time paid for “personal conveyance.”
In December of 2016, our firm resolved the personal injury claim of a female truck driver who was rear ended by a Toyota Tundra pickup. The pickup skid approximately 30 feet before slamming into the back of the 18 wheeler. Based on the amount of milk and cereal on the windshield of the pickup’s windshield, it was apparent that the driver was distracted by the bowl of cereal he brought along to eat on the drive to work that morning. As a result of the hard impact, our client suffered aggravation to her lower back which required invasive surgical procedures prescribed by her treating physicians. The defense hired by Farmers Insurance was focused on the lack of any significant damages to the back of the 18 wheeler’s trailer although their client’s truck was completely destroyed. Failing to understand the basic physics concepts, they hired a well-known engineer who has made a career working for insurance companies to opine that the “delta-v” of the pickup truck was too small to cause any injuries to the trucker. However, in his deposition, he could not show the math in how he calculated delta-v or show the values he used in his calculations. Because he could not show his math and because he based his opinions on just photographs, the judge prohibited him from testifying without showing the math. Farmers Insurance tendered the policy limits before trial.
Our client was driving a Freightliner tractor on the feeder road of E Sam Houston Tollway at US 90 when a car traveling on US Highway 90 ran a red light and struck the front end of the tractor trailer. The impact caused our client’s tractor trailer to veer off the road and flip over. The other driver was found at fault. His insurance company tendered all of the insurance limits. Our client was in the course and scope of his duties at work and it was discovered that his employer misrepresented to him that he had worker’s compensation coverage. Instead, the employer had forced him to pay premiums for an occupational benefit plan that provided much less coverage that worker’s compensation. After lengthy legal battles with the benefit plan and employer, the parties were able to resolve our client’s claims in December of 2016.
Our client’s adult child was killed in a horrific multi-truck accident with a passenger vehicle. Our client’s child was a negligent free passenger in the passenger vehicle. Liability was hotly disputed and our 18 wheeler attorney team was brought into the case over a year after the accident. Our reconstruction experts were able to obtain data and video footage from a nearby business to recreate the incident to determine what more than likely occurred bringing closure to the family. The case confidentially settled thereafter.
Our client was working as a truck driver one morning when he came upon a vehicle which unexpectedly slammed on his brakes on Highway 46 south of Houston. Our client was able to come to a safe stop without striking the vehicle because he had a safe following distance and was keeping a proper lookout. However, the 18 wheeler behind him did not do the same. As a result, the 18 wheeler rear clipped the back of his trailer and caused tremendous damages to both vehicles.
Our client’s husband was involved in a tragic 18 wheeler accident in Mississippi when his front tire blew out without any warning. He was operating an 18 wheeler transporting gravel. The blow out caused him to lose control and careen off the road into a tree. The tractor trailer exploded. A good samaritan was able to pull him from the vehicle. However, the burns and injuries were severe. Our client’s husband survived multiple painful surgeries before succumbing to them weeks later. The tires were retrieved and examined which showed they were defective. The case settled for a confidential sum.
The trial lawyers at the Amaro Law Firm agreed to a commercial motor vehicle accident settlement that occurred on Memorial Drive in Houston, Texas, for a confidential sum. A construction vehicle known as a “Bobcat” pulled onto Memorial Drive without any spotters, flagmen, or barricades to warn passing motorists. Our client was unable to see the Bobcat until the last second, when the vehicle in front of her quickly changed lanes to avoid colliding with the slow-moving Bobcat. As a result, our client suffered severe injuries. The attorneys at the Amaro Law Firm were able to help her obtain fair compensation in the accident settlement before filing suit.
The 18 wheeler accident lawyers at the Amaro Law Firm were able to help a man and his father who were parked in a fully loaded 18 wheeler truck and trailer on the side of I-10 highway in Waller County, Texas after having a breakdown. Before they could get out of the cab of the truck to put out safety indicators, they were struck by another 18 wheeler traveling on the highway which had swerved onto the shoulder behind their truck and trailer. A large fire and explosion occurred in which the other driver unfortunately perished. Witnesses testified that they saw the other driver swerving across many lanes in the second before the wreck. Other witnessed had conflicting stories about whether our client’s truck had fit on the narrow shoulder completely and how long the vehicle had been parked without safety indicators. The case settled for confidential sum.
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